Registration for Black Vulture Depredation Sub-Permit 2024

(*) designates required field - (Complete all information)

First Name: *
Last Name: *
Mailing Address: *
County: *
City: *
State: *
Zip: *
Click the checkbox if your physical address is the same as your mailing address?

Physical Address: *
County: *
City: *
State: *
Zip: *

Phone Number: * (XXX-XXX-XXXX format)
Email Address: *
Confirm Email Address: *
1. Number of livestock losses to Black Vulture depredation in 2023   * (If none, please enter 0)
2. Are you a livestock farmer?   *

Certification: I hereby certify that I am a livestock producer in Alabama, and that I have read and am familiar with the federal requirements regarding the taking of black vultures as described in the authorizations and conditions section of the website: ADAI Black Vulture Permitting, and agree to abide by the authorizations and conditions concerning the methods of take, use of effigies, and disposal of takes. I understand that the Alabama Department of Agriculture and Industries (ADAI) will not represent me for any alleged violation of this permit, and I absolve ADAI of any legal liability. I acknowledge this sub-permit authorizes the taking of up to 3 black vultures, subject to the statewide permit limit, and does not authorize the taking of any other protected migratory bird species. I understand that I must report any take to ADAI within 48 hours of the take by using the ADAI website.

  • This permit is good for this calendar year with an Issue Date of January 1st - Expiration Date of December 31st.
  • You must re-register each calendar year.
  • You must follow all U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service authorizations and conditions associated with this sub-permit. The authorizations and conditions are listed on: ADAI Black Vulture Permitting Website
  • You must login into the application and record any takes within 48 hours of that take.
  • The total number of black vulture takes in Alabama may not exceed 500 vultures. If 500 vultures are taken in the state, you will receive an email notifying you that no more vultures may be taken during the permit period. You may also review the current number of statewide takes by logging into your account.
  • Once your allotted takes are reported, you are not allowed to take any more Black Vultures under the sub-permit for that calendar year.
  • If do not take any black vultures, you must login to your account and report “no birds taken” no later than December 31st.

I certify that the information submitted in the application for a sub-permit is complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge and belief. I understand that any false statement herein may subject me to the criminal penalties of 18 U.S.C 1001 by the United States Fish and Wildlife Services.

    The Permittee has read and agrees to the above statements.

Review the information above and verify everything is correct and click the Submit Button Below. Once you have submitted your information you will be redirected to a login screen and receive an email with your password to login.